Kseniya Katsman

Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Candidate

List of Presentations

Katsman, K., Jackson, M. A., & Patelis, T. (2021, August 12–14). Hard day’s night: Work-life balance, ageism, subjective age, attitudes toward aging in older adults [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association’s Annual 2021 Convention, Virtual event.
Pilla, D., Park-Taylor, J., & Katsman, K. (2021, August 12–14). Formerly homeless adults living in supportive housing during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association’s Annual 2021 Convention, Virtual event.
Katsman, K. (2018, May 21–22). An analysis of self-reported suicide attempts and ideation in a national sample of incarcerated sex offenders [Poster presentation]. NYS ATSA/NYS Alliance 23rd Annual Joint Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Katsman, K. (2017, October 25–28). An analysis of self-reported suicide attempts and ideation in a national sample of incarcerated sex offenders [Preliminary data, Student data blitz oral presentation]. Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) 36th Annual Research and Treatment National Conference, Kansas City, MO.